[METHOD] How I made $1676 Shopify Dropshipping POD with ZERO Ad Spend in 1 Month

Hi Everyone  , I would like to share my experience of making $1676 organic sales from Shopify Dropshipping POD without paying any ads.

The method that I used is quite unique, which is a collaboration with an artist. I consider this method as an untapped free traffic method.

















The main idea here is that we will collaborate with the artist from Instagram or Youtube. Here how the collaboration work:

- Shopify store owner provides website and fulfillment using POD company like Printful or Printify
- Artist provides 2D design for the merch and promotes it to their audiences (followers or subscribers)

We will share revenue with the artist through affiliate commission using Shopify affiliate apps such as Go Pro Affiliate (Free) or Affiliatly (Paid). You can choose whether you want to share a flat commission per sale or % of revenue to the artist.

Here the step-by-step guide to executing this free traffic method:

1. Create your Shopify store dedicated to recruiting artists to sell POD products (Shopify Dropshipping store focus on selling POD merch)

2. Ensure your Shopify store looks professional and trustworthy to gain the artist's trust.

3. Find an artist account on Instagram or Youtube. You can find IG accounts such as @taramochimochi, @ohmygoIes, and many more, so many plenties of opportunity. I myself worked with a 2D artist. Use the IG username suggestion feature to find more artists. 

4. Send an email to the artist to pitch them with your collaboration proposal
PRO TIP: attached the product mockup on the email using Printful or Printify mockup generator to attract artist’s interest

5. If the artist is interested in collaborating with you, request the artist to provide his/her design’s choice to create a product mockup. If the artist is already satisfied with the mockup, then upload the merch to the collection page dedicated to the artist.

6. Lastly, the most exciting part, the artist will announce and promote the collaboration merch on their IG post, story, and bio link. If you collaborate with artists from Youtube, they will promote the collaboration merch on their Youtube channel. Then, you will make organic CHA-CHING to your Shopify store.

Please kindly note, this method requires you to do the work by investing in your time and energy to make it work since it’s free traffic. The good thing is you don’t need to pay any advertising cost to acquire the sales using this collaboration method.
